SXSW Road Closures

Detours may have made your work commute worse, but your morning radio show is better than ever!!! Jessica and Nacho welcome you to the wonderful weekend we all already love! South by Southwest is here, which means Austin is jam-packed with tourists. Fortunately Jessica has all the road closures and detours you’ll want to be […]

We’re kicking off Barney Month on the show! Celebrate America’s biggest drinking month with Springfield’s biggest drinker (and the Simpsons podcast world’s biggest drinkers)! Irvin and Nacho crack open a couple O’Doul’s as they discuss a sudsy Simpson classic. The nature of the Homer/Barney friendship dynamic is investigated, as well as Attack on the Killer […]
E Pluribus Wiggum (with Cole Battle)

Grab your miniature American flags—it’s time for the most patriotic episode of Eat My Shorts yet! Irvin and Nacho welcome special guest Cole Battle to conclude Ralph month on the show with an unusual episode of the Simpsons that brings the presidential election straight to Springfield. We recount the moment in this episode that blew […]
New Kids on the Blecch

Are you ready to rock?! Welcome back to Ralph Wiggum month on Eat My Shorts. Get ready to celebrate your favorite pop sensation this week in our hardest rocking’ episode yet. As the ink signatures dry on Irvin and Nachos new recording contracts, they reenter the studio to lay down a fresh podcast about the […]
I Love Lisa (with Jessie D)

Summarize the episode for the audience? Oh god, this is always death. Ralph falls for Lisa after she gives him a Valentine to be nice, and hijinx ensue. And we’re here to yak about it! Happy holiday, and welcome back to Ralph Month on Eat My Shorts. We’re celebrating Springfield’s perpetual non-sequitur machine with an […]
This Little Wiggy

So. . .uh. . .do you like. . .stuff? Eat My Shorts is kicking off a month of episodes covering a Simpsoverse favorite: Ralph Wiggum! This week we get to know Ralph Wiggum a little better in one of his early feature storylines. Irvin and Nacho theorize about the untold Ralph origin story involving his […]
Homer Loves Flanders

Irvin and Nacho have come down with a fever. Football fever! There’s only one cure: this week’s Pigskin Classic episode of Eat My Shorts! We finish up Flanders Month on the show with a Flanders favorite of ours that also happens to be about the Big Game (come on, you know the one. . .I […]
Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily (with Vanessa Guadiana)

Flanders Month is kicking into second gear at Eat My Shorts studios! Hunker inside Ned’s bunker with us and have some nachos, Flanders style. This week on the show we cover a gag-packed episode with our special guest, Vanessa Guadiana. We share stories of Simpsons Halloween costumes of years past, discuss the differences between paying […]
Freeway Entrance (with Danny)

Your favorite morning radio DJs are back for a whole new year of the same old bits! Nacho and Jessica return to the studio during the shutdown and unfortunately didn’t even get paid for today’s broadcast. Fortunately, they are joined for the entire show by Danny, Arby’s wunderkind, who reveals Arby’s is sponsoring the show […]
Hurricane Neddy

Welcome to the podcast that love built! Irvin and Nacho continue their Flanders Month celebrations by recounting one of the lowest points in Ned Flander’s life! Irvin shares a hurricane story from Nuevo Leon, Nacho takes the listeners through his flu season healthcare, and we talk about the alarming number of kids who’ve had guns […]