In today’s comic I lay down the law.
As a cat owner, one of the first things you have to decide is if your cat is gonna be an indoor cat or a cat you allow to go outside. I’ve always been an indoor cat guy ever since my childhood when my cat got out & jumped the wall to the neighbor’s yard, where she was attacked by their rottweiler. She was lucky enough to survive but I’ve been jumpy about cats going outside ever since then. Plus outside cats attack birds & create havoc, it’s too much to deal with.
So you bet your ass these cats are indoor cats. I respect Noodle’s time as an outdoor cat, but I insist she leave those days behind. I used to let Bologna out into the backyard so she could run around, but one day she chased a squirrel beyond the fence & I got all stressed out about it.
There is hope for these cats, though. Once I’m able to find some cat harnesses that fit these two, I’m going to see if they’re up for some walks around the neighborhood. I don’t mind being the guy who walks his cats. Let the neighbors think I’m a nut. Who cares? What’s the big transgression, anyway?