A little backstory into Noodle’s past.
I may revisit this period of her life again in another comic, but the writing & rewriting for this one was a lot. It can be tricky to land the right sort of tone in a comic like this. Yes, this comic series can get heavy or non funny in a bunch of ways. But I didn’t want to mire readers in the sadness of an unhoused cat. I also didn’t want to draw any of that shit, the thought made me sad when I was figuring out how to visually approach this one. Plus, I wasn’t there to see how Noodle was affected by her time living outside, so it felt overly speculative & gross to portray her suffering in cartoon form. Maybe there’s a possibility I overthink things, huh?!
But her time on the street has had an impact on her behavior, so there may be more stories to tell. Listen, I spent a lot of time going to bummer places with a big batch of Human Stuff comics I made not too long ago, so I’m trying to keep these comics a little lighter. We all need some relief sometimes.