Itchy & Scratchy Land

Hey, you’re the listeners who didn’t like our digressive podcast talk. When you get to hell, tell ’em Eat My Shorts sent ya. Nacho welcome special guest Irwin back to the show, who updates us on how much Simpsons knowledge he’s gaining. A great Simpsons episode is dissected, analyzed, & reviewed, of course, & this […]
Krusty Gets Busted

And this is Nacho writing the episode summary for the podcast before he posts it. Welcome to the last month of Eat My Shorts season 2! We left it to you, our listeners, to pick the character whose episodes we’ll cover to wrap up 2019, & you chose Krusty! We apologize to everyone who chose […]
Treehouse of Horror III

Earth Hu-mons–do not be alarmed. Your hosts have been replaced by spectral beings to bring you a very special and nightmarish episode of the show! Irvin and Nacho come to you from the spirit realm to discuss a scary Simpson classic in the longest and therefore best episode to date! This episode contains a frightening […]
Team Homer

I must say for once, I am impressed. In fact, I am going to give this podcast a perfect ten. I’ll just write the zero first…now, a vertical line to indicate the one– After assuming they’d already done it but then realizing they hadn’t, Irvin and Nacho finally cover Team Homer! We’re celebrating a new […]