Social Distancing: A Comic About the Pandemic

I’ve been meaning to post these comics for a long time. It was something I stopped prioritizing because I wanted to release this comic series out as a zine first. Now that I’m doing the zine, I can share this series of pandemic comics. These also appeared in Human Stuff 2: Cuts of Me. These […]
No Refusal Weekend (with Stevesy)

It’s the scariest morning of the year! Count Nach & Scary Jessie are joined by friend of the show Spooky Stevesy for a very special and frightening edition of Morning Drive. Jessie shares her daily illustration progress, Nacho brags about his turntable, & Stevesy shares how he’s gotten into the sinister holiday spirit and opened […]
Share the Road! (with Danny)

It’s HUMP DAY, Austin TX!!! Jessie & the Nach are back with special guest Danny to help you power through the middle of your week! Danny catches us up on his wonderful new shenanigans, while Jessie gets into some details on her new mode of transportation! Look out for her in your lane of traffic, […]
Vacation Pileup!

It’s hump day? On 6/9?? Oh my gosh, folks!! Jessie & The Nach return to get you through your morning commute safe & sound & SMILING!!! After catching up with the listeners about their recent vacation, our hosts introduce a new travel segment in time for your summer vacation & tip you off to great […]
Hazardous Weather Ahead (with Miggy & Crystal)

Friday is HERE, & your flavorite morning radio show is back to welcome you to your weekend, Austin Texas!!!!! Jessie & The Nach are bundled up in a chilly Grackle Studio to usher in your favorite part of the week (duh: the weekend!!!)!!! It’s gonna be a cold one, & Jessie provides an important weather […]
Road Work Ahead (with Miggy)

Don’t touch that dial–you’re tuned in & ready to rock to the sweet sounds of your favorite morning radio MAYHEM! Wake up! Jessie & The Nach welcome Miggy from EP Culture Beat Podcast, who joins the show remotely from El Paso! All your favorite segments are here, & our hosts fill you in on everything you […]
The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson

Eat My Shorts wholeheartedly supports the designated driver program. Now, who wants to party? Greetings, chums! Want us to zinc your sniffers? Vacation season on the show continues with a Simpsons episode that was stricken from the airwaves for many years. Due to the journalistic integrity of the show, Irvin & Nacho are brave enough […]
Colonel Homer

It takes two to podcast: hosts to talk and you to listen. Howdy, pardners! Irvin & Nacho take a trip out to Spittle County to bring you this week’s episode from America’s Heartland. Homer & Marge’s marriage is tested when Homer does something foolish & selfish! We review the episode in full & also talk […]
Morning Protest

A very special episode of Morning Drive with Jessie & The Nach. Please consider helping those in need by donating to any of the following places: Equal Justice Initiative, Act Blue Bail Funds, Official George Floyd Memorial Fund, & 400+1 Bail Fund. Additional resource:
Morning Shelter in Place! (with Irwin)

Welcome to another episode of the show! Because we are considered an essential community service, here is another wonderful Morning Drive that we hope you are not listening to while driving! Jessie & “The Nach” are joined remotely by Irwin, who returns to the show to “ketchup” with the listeners! Lots of coronavirus content in […]