Itchy & Scratchy Land

Hey, you’re the listeners who didn’t like our digressive podcast talk. When you get to hell, tell ’em Eat My Shorts sent ya. Nacho welcome special guest Irwin back to the show, who updates us on how much Simpsons knowledge he’s gaining. A great Simpsons episode is dissected, analyzed, & reviewed, of course, & this […]
The PTA Disbands

Not listening to this episode? That’s a paddlin’.Skipping past the non-Simpsons-related intro where we’re settling in? That’s a paddlin’.Staring at my chakra tunic? That’s a paddlin’.Paddlin’ on the in-studio ping pong table? Edna Krabappel month continues on the show with an episode that adjusts her role on the show and formally establishes for her a […]
So Many People In The Neighborhood
Cat Music