No Refusal Weekend (with Stevesy)

It’s the scariest morning of the year! Count Nach & Scary Jessie are joined by friend of the show Spooky Stevesy for a very special and frightening edition of Morning Drive. Jessie shares her daily illustration progress, Nacho brags about his turntable, & Stevesy shares how he’s gotten into the sinister holiday spirit and opened […]
Share the Road! (with Danny)

It’s HUMP DAY, Austin TX!!! Jessie & the Nach are back with special guest Danny to help you power through the middle of your week! Danny catches us up on his wonderful new shenanigans, while Jessie gets into some details on her new mode of transportation! Look out for her in your lane of traffic, […]
Krusty Gets Kancelled

Alright, here’s the deal. Every time you listen to our show, we will send you…forty dollars*! *checks will not be honored Krusty Month continues on the show! Irvin & Nacho discuss a beloved Krusty episode this week that caused them both to ROFL for a dangerously long time. We also spend some time discussing the […]
New Kids on the Blecch

Are you ready to rock?! Welcome back to Ralph Wiggum month on Eat My Shorts. Get ready to celebrate your favorite pop sensation this week in our hardest rocking’ episode yet. As the ink signatures dry on Irvin and Nachos new recording contracts, they reenter the studio to lay down a fresh podcast about the […]