Lady Bouvier’s Lover

This month Eat My Shorts is celebrating the best Simpsons episodes featuring America’s Grampa, Abe Simpson! Irvin and Nacho are back in the studio and recharged after a brief unpaid break to show love to summer’s favorite son, “August” Abe Simpson! In this episode we see Grampa fall in love with Marge’s mother, to Homer’s […]
Bart the Fink

Hey hey! This week, Nacho and Irvin discuss Bart the Fink, episode 15 from season 7 which first aired in 1996. Like all the great clown shows, this episode is full of surprise, mystery, and terror. Our hosts also discuss possible Simpsons trivia team names, great taco deal around town, and the Principal Skinner / […]
Life & Death

In today’s comic the raw elements of the universe (life & death) are all up in my face!