The Springfield Files

♥♥♥we bring you love♥♥♥ Your long and terrible wait is over–season 3 of Eat My Shorts is finally here! While season 3 brings a few changes to the show, the laughs haven’t gone anywhere! This week’s show is packed with as many laughs as your sides can handle before they split open. In addition to […]
Lady Bouvier’s Lover

This month Eat My Shorts is celebrating the best Simpsons episodes featuring America’s Grampa, Abe Simpson! Irvin and Nacho are back in the studio and recharged after a brief unpaid break to show love to summer’s favorite son, “August” Abe Simpson! In this episode we see Grampa fall in love with Marge’s mother, to Homer’s […]
Homer vs. Patty and Selma

Nacho called into work, so he and Irvin recorded a podcast! Welcome to a Simpsons episode fraught with lies, secrets, revenge, and ballet dancing. Additional hot topics of discussion this week include dog jobs, brushes with truancy, Austin’s Rainey Street drinking district, corns and bunions, and our new unskilled intern. Follow us @eatmyshortspod on Twitter and […]