Viva Ned Flanders

One betting disk, please! Homer takes Flanders to Vegas on a trip to show Ned how to live life the Simpson way. Irvin & Nacho welcome you to a debaucherous season 10 classic, where in addition to bringing you the best Simpsons information we also have a little time left over to talk about televised […]
Colonel Homer

It takes two to podcast: hosts to talk and you to listen. Howdy, pardners! Irvin & Nacho take a trip out to Spittle County to bring you this week’s episode from America’s Heartland. Homer & Marge’s marriage is tested when Homer does something foolish & selfish! We review the episode in full & also talk […]
Secrets of a Successful Marriage

To the untrained ear, we’re talking about an episode of the Simpsons. But to the ear that has brains, we’re making a point about the human condition. Welcome to one of the most dramatic episodes of the Simpsons we’ve covered yet! Homer and Marge’s marriage hangs in the balance and our gossip hound hosts Irvin […]
There’s Something About Marrying (with Teddy Tidds)

At last you have found the yin to your yin. Irvin and Nacho welcome special guest and animation head Teddy Tides to the show to talk about a very special episode for Patty Month on the show in which we see the other Bouvier sister getting married by her arch-nemesis Homer Simpsons! We also discuss […]
My Big Fat Geek Wedding

Irvin and Nacho bring Edna Krabappel month to a close with an episode unseen by either of them before today’s show! Irvin and Nacho bring Edna Krabappel month to a close with an episode unseen by either of them before today’s show! Join us on our strange and terrifying journey into the conclusion of Krabappel […]
War of the Simpsons

Hey, I’m a little biased–but this is another great episode! Award winning, also. In addition to winning awards, the Eat My Shorts podcast is also earning acclaim across the neighborhood, and once again Nacho & Irvin open the studio for another live audience! This week we get into “War of the Simpsons,” and talk about […]