Secrets of a Successful Marriage

To the untrained ear, we’re talking about an episode of the Simpsons. But to the ear that has brains, we’re making a point about the human condition. Welcome to one of the most dramatic episodes of the Simpsons we’ve covered yet! Homer and Marge’s marriage hangs in the balance and our gossip hound hosts Irvin […]
Team Homer

I must say for once, I am impressed. In fact, I am going to give this podcast a perfect ten. I’ll just write the zero first…now, a vertical line to indicate the one– After assuming they’d already done it but then realizing they hadn’t, Irvin and Nacho finally cover Team Homer! We’re celebrating a new […]
The Homer They Fall

Podcast fans, welcome to the show of the century! Join Irvin and Nacho for front row seats to the greatest and most gruesome boxing match in Simpsons history. Other topics of conversation include BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Julio Cesar Chavez and boxing in the 90’s, shopping malls, and some of Homer’s various non-nuclear-plant gigs. Follow […]
Flaming Moe’s

Pull up a stool and join Irvin and Nacho as they crack open the Krusty Non-Narkotic Kough Syrup for Kids and discuss Flaming Moe’s, the bar that launched sizzurp and almost destroyed a friendship. Eye on Springfield is discussed, as well as dive bars, lean, our lack of movie watching experience, and get a load of […]