Creature Comforts

I’m relieved to be able to resume posting comics again. Happy new year, too. Like I mentioned in my recent Patreon blog post, Kickstarter fulfillment took up a lot of my time & attention since it was the thing I prioritized. Now that that’s wrapped up, I hope to build a little consistency into the […]
Night Watchcat

Fresh from the Photoshop cleanup process, it’s the latest installment of Hey, Cat! I’m not sure any “long term readers” of this comic exist, but if they did they’d notice this one is a little different. That’s right, this is the first multipage installment! Yes, this happened a couple weeks ago. I made a comic […]
Housecat Lockdown
Well folks, it’s been a while but “Hey, Cat.” is back! According to my extensive record keeping, it’s been six & a half years since the last entry. Today’s comic obliquely introduces a new cat to the series, even though readers don’t get a name for this new cat yet. I’ve got a proper intro […]
Cat Plans
In today’s episode, zzz.
So Many People In The Neighborhood
Furcadian Rhythms

In today’s cat comic I get some rest!
Cat Nap: The Nappening

In today’s comic I learn the true value of getting good sleep–the living nightmare way!
Rude Awakening
Cat comics everyday! Except Sundays, then life would be nothing but cat comics are far as my eyes could see. What a scene!
Night Shift