Dancin’ Homer

This podcast doesn’t just give us a platform, it also gives us the right, no–the duty! to make complete asses of ourselves. Put on your dancing shoes & get out on the dance floor for the dancingest episode of Eat My Shorts yet! Irvin & Nacho throw out the first pitch for this on-location installment […]
Homie the Clown

This year, give her Eat My Shorts. This week on the show, Irvin & Nacho cover a crown jewel episode in the Simpsons catalogue. Krusty’s gambling addiction causes him to open up a clown college, resulting in Homer becoming his best protégé. Please make sure you are ready for a classic episode before you press […]
Homer Loves Flanders

Irvin and Nacho have come down with a fever. Football fever! There’s only one cure: this week’s Pigskin Classic episode of Eat My Shorts! We finish up Flanders Month on the show with a Flanders favorite of ours that also happens to be about the Big Game (come on, you know the one. . .I […]
The Homer They Fall

Podcast fans, welcome to the show of the century! Join Irvin and Nacho for front row seats to the greatest and most gruesome boxing match in Simpsons history. Other topics of conversation include BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: Julio Cesar Chavez and boxing in the 90’s, shopping malls, and some of Homer’s various non-nuclear-plant gigs. Follow […]
Lisa the Greek (with Jessie D and Adam Reyna)

Get the dip. Get the chips. Let loose that restrictive belt, because football season is here, baby! Irvin and Nacho are joined by special guests Jessica De Santiago (Nacho’s famous wife) and Adam Reyna, who discusses his personal connection to this classic Lisa-centric episode as well as his and Irvin’s sports-related first encounter. The three also […]
Homer at the Bat

In the summer spirit, Eat My Shorts takes it to the softball field for this week’s show! In the summer spirit, Eat My Shorts takes it to the softball field for this week’s show! Irvin and Nacho present to you a very special double-length podcast delivering not only a play-by-play on this season 3 episode, […]
Cat Games

In today’s comic the cat participates in the Cat Games, an ancient tradition of sportscatship.