Vacation Pileup!

It’s hump day? On 6/9?? Oh my gosh, folks!! Jessie & The Nach return to get you through your morning commute safe & sound & SMILING!!! After catching up with the listeners about their recent vacation, our hosts introduce a new travel segment in time for your summer vacation & tip you off to great […]
The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson

Eat My Shorts wholeheartedly supports the designated driver program. Now, who wants to party? Greetings, chums! Want us to zinc your sniffers? Vacation season on the show continues with a Simpsons episode that was stricken from the airwaves for many years. Due to the journalistic integrity of the show, Irvin & Nacho are brave enough […]
Dancin’ Homer

This podcast doesn’t just give us a platform, it also gives us the right, no–the duty! to make complete asses of ourselves. Put on your dancing shoes & get out on the dance floor for the dancingest episode of Eat My Shorts yet! Irvin & Nacho throw out the first pitch for this on-location installment […]
Itchy & Scratchy Land

Hey, you’re the listeners who didn’t like our digressive podcast talk. When you get to hell, tell ’em Eat My Shorts sent ya. Nacho welcome special guest Irwin back to the show, who updates us on how much Simpsons knowledge he’s gaining. A great Simpsons episode is dissected, analyzed, & reviewed, of course, & this […]
War of the Simpsons

Hey, I’m a little biased–but this is another great episode! Award winning, also. In addition to winning awards, the Eat My Shorts podcast is also earning acclaim across the neighborhood, and once again Nacho & Irvin open the studio for another live audience! This week we get into “War of the Simpsons,” and talk about […]