The Joy of Sect

Eat My Shorts no function podcast well without. The church of Eat My Shorts convenes again to cover a hallowed Simpsons classic. Irvin & Nacho discuss Springfield falling under the spell of The Leader, it’s a cult-heavy episode! We also talk about Rage Against the Machine, receiving strange correspondence in the mail, Sinclair Media(check out […]
Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish

We’re Eat My Shorts. Who the hell are you? Before season 4 of this podcast officially began, Irvin & Nacho took a blood oath to only cover classic episodes of The Simpsons this year. No funny business! Mr. Burns runs for governor of Springfield’s state & ropes The Simpson family into his evil pageantry in […]
Burns’ Heir

We have nothing to offer you but our podcast. This week on the show, Mr. Burns’ near-death experiences inspires him to find an heir to his fortune, & it involves Bart! Irvin & Nacho recount the episode in real Simpsons historian style, but also bring you many things you won’t find in any Simpsons History […]
Weekend at Burnsie’s

Could Eat My Shorts record an episode so good, that They Themselves could not listen to it? Roll up a big fat dope spleefer & light some incense for this week’s show! Your mellow hosts Irvin & Nacho return this week to cover a very illegal & criminal episode of the Simpsons in which Homer […]
Treehouse of Horror IV

So, you like Simpsons Podcasts, eh? Well, have all the Simpsons Podcasts in the world! Abandon all MOPE, ye who enter this episode!! Irvin and Nacho have come down with Vampirism this week but still show up to deliver one frightfully GHOUL-arious show! Tonight we tell you three tales of Simpsons terror, and touch on […]
Treehouse of Horror III

Earth Hu-mons–do not be alarmed. Your hosts have been replaced by spectral beings to bring you a very special and nightmarish episode of the show! Irvin and Nacho come to you from the spirit realm to discuss a scary Simpson classic in the longest and therefore best episode to date! This episode contains a frightening […]
Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in “The Curse of the Flying Hellfish” (with Norma Herrera and Adam Reyna)

About time, knothead! Grampa Month on the show comes to a rousing conclusion with the pulpiest and most cinematic Simpsons episode we’ve covered so far! For this very special episode, Irvin and Nacho welcome returning guests Norma and Adam, who in addition to a deep-dive analysis of the episode talk about LiveJournal, the Simpsons entering […]
Lady Bouvier’s Lover

This month Eat My Shorts is celebrating the best Simpsons episodes featuring America’s Grampa, Abe Simpson! Irvin and Nacho are back in the studio and recharged after a brief unpaid break to show love to summer’s favorite son, “August” Abe Simpson! In this episode we see Grampa fall in love with Marge’s mother, to Homer’s […]
Team Homer

I must say for once, I am impressed. In fact, I am going to give this podcast a perfect ten. I’ll just write the zero first…now, a vertical line to indicate the one– After assuming they’d already done it but then realizing they hadn’t, Irvin and Nacho finally cover Team Homer! We’re celebrating a new […]
Brush with Greatness

Irvin and Nacho are back to discuss a season two vintage episode. Blow the dust off this one, baybee! Marge revives her dream of painting but is soon challenged by a portrait commissioned by Mr. Burns. We also challenge the scientific veracity of Uncle Scrooge swimming in coins, get into some theme park talk, give […]